Thursday, January 12, 2012

How the Maneuver between Busbars happens

If we want to make maintenance of operating B.B., or to avoid overloading conditions then we have to make maneuver between busbars. This is done by the following procedure:

  1. Connect the two isolating switches of the bus‑coupler.
  2. Connect the C.B. of the bus‑coupler after checking that the difference of voltages between the two busbars does not exceed a maximum specified value.
  3. Connect the second isolating switch of the feeder that we want to change its operating busbar.
  4. Disconnect the isolating switch of the original busbar.
  5. Repeat steps (3&4) for all loads connected to the B.B. which is required to be maintained.
  6. Disconnect the C.B. of the bus‑coupler and then its two isolating switches.

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