Thursday, January 12, 2012

Introduction to street lighting

§   The basic purpose of street lighting is to promote safety and convenience on the street at night, through adequate visibility, and to promote civic progress.
§   Statistics show that good street lighting installation bring about material reduction in traffic accidents, act as a deterrent to crime and achieve a higher business throughout in commercial areas.
§   There are a number of factors that contribute to the illumination level required in street installations.  An important factor, common to all streets is highway safety
Considerations, as the volume of traffic increase, traffic interference and exposure to accidents also increases.
Good visibility is more difficult to achieve amidst the Confusion of moving vehicles and pedestrians, for it is against this background that accident hazards must be discerned.
§   In order to make logical recommendations as to illumination levels required in street lighting applications, it is necessary to classify streets with respect to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
§   The color of light does not affect the level of illumination to be provided. Studies have shown that the visibility of objects does not differ greatly between sodium, mercury, florescent and filament lamps. the comparison has to be on the basis of an equal Amount of light and similar distribution schemes.

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